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app builder lib.Interface.FuseOptionsV1

Electron-Builder / app-builder-lib / FuseOptionsV1

All options come from @electron/fuses Ref:



optional enableCookieEncryption: boolean

The cookieEncryption fuse toggles whether the cookie store on disk is encrypted using OS level cryptography keys. By default the sqlite database that Chromium uses to store cookies stores the values in plaintext. If you wish to ensure your apps cookies are encrypted in the same way Chrome does then you should enable this fuse. Please note it is a one-way transition, if you enable this fuse existing unencrypted cookies will be encrypted-on-write but if you then disable the fuse again your cookie store will effectively be corrupt and useless. Most apps can safely enable this fuse.


optional enableEmbeddedAsarIntegrityValidation: boolean

The embeddedAsarIntegrityValidation fuse toggles an experimental feature on macOS that validates the content of the app.asar file when it is loaded. This feature is designed to have a minimal performance impact but may marginally slow down file reads from inside the app.asar archive. Currently, ASAR integrity checking is supported on:

  • macOS as of electron>=16.0.0
  • Windows as of electron>=30.0.0

For more information on how to use asar integrity validation please read the Asar Integrity documentation.


optional enableNodeCliInspectArguments: boolean

The nodeCliInspect fuse toggles whether the --inspect, --inspect-brk, etc. flags are respected or not. When disabled it also ensures that SIGUSR1 signal does not initialize the main process inspector. Most apps can safely disable this fuse.


optional enableNodeOptionsEnvironmentVariable: boolean

The nodeOptions fuse toggles whether the NODE_OPTIONS and NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variables are respected. The NODE_OPTIONS environment variable can be used to pass all kinds of custom options to the Node.js runtime and isn’t typically used by apps in production. Most apps can safely disable this fuse.


optional grantFileProtocolExtraPrivileges: boolean

The grantFileProtocolExtraPrivileges fuse changes whether pages loaded from the file:// protocol are given privileges beyond what they would receive in a traditional web browser. This behavior was core to Electron apps in original versions of Electron but is no longer required as apps should be serving local files from custom protocols now instead. If you aren’t serving pages from file:// you should disable this fuse. The extra privileges granted to the file:// protocol by this fuse are incompletely documented below:

  • file:// protocol pages can use fetch to load other assets over file://
  • file:// protocol pages can use service workers
  • file:// protocol pages have universal access granted to child frames also running on file:// protocols regardless of sandbox settings


optional loadBrowserProcessSpecificV8Snapshot: boolean

The loadBrowserProcessSpecificV8Snapshot fuse changes which V8 snapshot file is used for the browser process. By default Electron’s processes will all use the same V8 snapshot file. When this fuse is enabled the browser process uses the file called browser_v8_context_snapshot.bin for its V8 snapshot. The other processes will use the V8 snapshot file that they normally do.


optional onlyLoadAppFromAsar: boolean

The onlyLoadAppFromAsar fuse changes the search system that Electron uses to locate your app code. By default Electron will search in the following order app.asar -> app -> default_app.asar. When this fuse is enabled the search order becomes a single entry app.asar thus ensuring that when combined with the embeddedAsarIntegrityValidation fuse it is impossible to load non-validated code.


optional resetAdHocDarwinSignature: boolean

Resets the app signature, specifically used for macOS. Note: This should be unneeded since electron-builder signs the app directly after flipping the fuses. Ref:


optional runAsNode: boolean

The runAsNode fuse toggles whether the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE environment variable is respected or not. Please note that if this fuse is disabled then process.fork in the main process will not function as expected as it depends on this environment variable to function. Instead, we recommend that you use Utility Processes, which work for many use cases where you need a standalone Node.js process (like a Sqlite server process or similar scenarios).