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Sign a Windows app on macOS/Linux


Described setup and configuration is required only if you have EV code signing certificate. The regular certificates supported out of the box.

Signing Windows apps on Unix is supported. There are multiple methods to achieve this. Basically you need an application that is able to sign code using PKCS 11. There is one method that works on Linux and Mac, using Java. You can also use osslsigncode on both systems, for Linux and Mac a how-to is included. This documents finishes with some remarks and how to integrate the signing process with Electron Builder.

Signing Windows app on Mac/Linux using JSign

This method requires Java. Make sure you got Java installed before trying this solution.

  1. Make sure Java is installed by running java -v
  2. Download JSign
  3. Create a file called hardwareToken.cfg. Fill it with the contents below.
  4. Check the library link to make sure you have the correct PKCS module. This link might be different per token. On Linux you will find it in /lib, while on Mac you can find it in /Library/Frameworks or /usr/local/lib.
  5. Install token driver for Mac, export the certificate (convert it to pem when it is .cer)
  6. Run java -jar jsign-2.1.jar with the correct parameters.


name = HardwareToken
library = /Library/Frameworks/eToken.framework/Versions/A/libeToken.dylib
slotListIndex = 0

URLs: - JSign from Github

Full command for signing:

java -jar jsign-2.1.jar --keystore hardwareToken.cfg --storepass "your password here" --storetype PKCS11 --tsaurl --alias /link/to/cert.pem /link/to/app.exe

Signing Windows app on Mac using osslsigncode

The main problem is the lack of a engine PKCS 11 in brew that supports OpenSSL 1.1. The current version only supports OpenSSL 1.0. Therefore you need to compile the majority of the applications yourself.

  1. Install some applications with brew like autoconf, automake, libtool, pkg-config and gnu-tar.
  2. Create folder like /usr/local/mac-dev, give it rights of your current user, use the folder as a prefix during compilations.
  3. Download OpenSSL 1.1.1 tar.gz, see link below, extract and compile: ./config --prefix=/usr/local/mac-dev && make && make install
  4. Export OpenSSL 1.1 variables for compiling the applications below
  5. export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/mac-dev/lib"
  6. export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/mac-dev/include"
  7. export PATH="/usr/local/mac-dev/bin:$PATH"
  8. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/mac-dev/lib/pkgconfig"
  9. Install opensc (.dmg file)
  10. Download libp11 .tar.gz, extract and compile: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mac-dev && make && make install
  11. Install token driver for Mac, export the certificate (convert it to pem when it is .cer)
  12. Download osslsigncode .tar.gz, extract and compile: ./ && ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mac-dev && make && make install (afterwards symlink the binary to /usr/local/bin)
  13. Figure out the key ID by running pkcs11-tool --module /usr/local/lib/libeTPkcs11.dylib -l -O
  14. Run osslsigncode with the correct module, engine and key id

URLs: - OpenSSL 1.1 from their website - OpenSC from Github - Libp11 from Github - osslsigncode from Github

Full command for signing, pkcs11module parameter might be different per token.

osslsigncode sign -verbose -pkcs11engine /usr/local/mac-dev/lib/engines-1.1/libpkcs11.dylib -pkcs11module /usr/local/lib/libeTPkcs11.dylib -h sha256 -n app-name -t -certs /link/to/cert.pem -key 'key-id-here' -pass 'password' -in /link/to/app.exe -out /link/to/app.signed.exe

Signing Windows app on Ubuntu 18.04 using osslsigncode

These steps apply to other Linux operating systems too, but the names of the packages might be different.

  1. Update packages using APT. sudo apt-get update.
  2. Install packages using APT sudo apt-get install -y openssl libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libengine-pkcs11-openssl curl libcurl4 git automake libtool pkg-config wget libccid libpcsclite1 pcscd usbutils opensc.
  3. Download osslsigncode .tar.gz, extract and compile: ./ && ./configure && make && make install
  4. Install token driver for Linux, export the certificate (convert it to pem when it is .cer)
  5. Figure out the key ID by running pkcs11-tool --module /lib/ -l -O. Check the path to make sure you have the correct PKCS module. This path might be different per token.
  6. Run osslsigncode with the correct module, engine and key id

Full command for signing:

osslsigncode sign -verbose -pkcs11engine /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/engines-1.1/ -pkcs11module /lib/ -h sha256 -n app-name -t -certs /link/to/cert.pem -key 'key-id-here' -pass 'password' -in /link/to/app.exe -out /link/to/app.signed.exe

URLs: - osslsigncode from Github


Please consider the following when things are not working.

  • Make sure you use the correct PKCS 11 engine and module. If you get no slot with a token was found or some errors like sc connect card error and Card is invalid or cannot be handled you are not using the correct module, make sure you use correct one.
  • If you compiled OpenSSL yourself, make sure you use an engine that is also compiled for OpenSSL. Otherwise you will run into compatibility issues.
  • Use the osslsigncode which is mentioned in the list of URLs. There are many more forks/version to be found. The one included here is the actually maintained library, requires OpenSSL 1.1.

Integrate signing with Electron Builder

Depending on the method you have chosen, you can automate the signing process by creating a sign.js file. Then point to this file in your package.json.


    "win": {
      "target": "nsis",
      "signtoolOptions": {
        "sign": "./sign.js"


exports.default = async function(configuration) {
  // do not include passwords or other sensitive data in the file
  // rather create environment variables with sensitive data

    // your commande here ! For exemple and with JSign :
    `java -jar jsign-2.1.jar --keystore hardwareToken.cfg --storepass "${TOKEN_PASSWORD}" --storetype PKCS11 --tsaurl --alias "${CERTIFICATE_NAME}" "${configuration.path}"`,
      stdio: "inherit"